This is an excerpt from the Frequently Asked Questions Chapter of the Training Weekends Ebook.
I like to do more and have a few weekends in a row available, can I do multiple Training Weekends in a row?
Yes, you can. The Training Weekend can be done for the same or different bodyparts multiple weekend in a row if the time for training on the weekend and the time for recovery between the weekends is available.
I play a sport – how can I fit the training session for that sport into a training weekend?
With the 8 workouts in 2 days that a Training Weekend calls for, no other workouts are possible as this while diminishing training drive and recovery.
Can I do a Training Weekend while working regular hours?
With the 8 workouts in 2 days that a Training Weekend calls for, regular working hours are not possible as this while diminishing training drive and recovery. The training weekends are made for weekends off.
Do I have to stick to all given details of a Training Weekend?
Yes, stick to all details as outlined. Changing small factors can change the outcome and results of the Training Weekend. Its like buying a car and just leaving out the steering wheel.
Can I train 2 times per day instead of the 4 workouts?
There are specific very rare times – like during the Strength and Mass Holiday or Arm Holiday – were I recommended to train two times per day. During a Training Weekend and its specific overload for a certain musclegroup shoot for a total of four workouts per day as the program outlines to get the most out of it.
How often can I repeat a Training Weekend per year?
The Training Weekend can be done multiple times a year, even multiple times a month. If the time for training on the weekend and the time for recovery between the weekends is available. So the number one factor that determines how often is the individual recovery ability and the time available.
I can't eat that much, want a Training Weekend still work?
Volume of food will primarily determine the mass gained during a Training Weekend. If your goals are a body comp or just the physical challenge of 8 workouts in 2 days a high volume of food as suggested is not as important as when your primary goal is strength and mass.
Can I do a Training Weekend in my home gym?
Yes, depending on the equipment you have at home. What you need is:
- power rack
- Barbell and Plates
- dumbbells
- Adjustable Bench
- pulley
- 45° or horizontal back extension
- Lat pulldown machine (optional)
Can I do a training weekend in a hotel gym?
Yes, depending on the equipment the hotel gym has. What you need is:
- power rack
- Barbell and Plates
- dumbbells
- Adjustable Bench
- pulley
- 45° or horizontal back extension
- Lat pulldown machine (optional)
Can I use a booster that contains a stimulant like caffeine during a Training Weekend?
Usually I do not recommend the use of stimulants such as caffeine. Due to its side effects such as fatigue and insomnia with continued use. A Training Weekend is an exception to this rule as I outline in the Peri-Workout-Nutrition Chapter I do recommend to use caffeine on both days of a Training Weekend.
Are there more supplements beyond the basics to take during the Training Weekend?
Yes, of course, there are many more supplements to take. As "Basics first" is one of the pillars of my supplement philosophy I recommended to get the basics as outlined in the Supplement Chapter first. And then add more specific supplements, primarily based on the skinfold measurement. Which is optional as 99% of the results are based on getting the basics right.
Can I drink alcohol during a Training Weekend ?
Simple question. Simple answer. No. Alcohol will impair training drive, sleep and recovery therefore I do recommend to avoid alcohol during a Training Weekend.
How long will I keep the gains from a Training Weekend?
The majority of the gains in strength and mass will stay if your nutrition, sleep and training are on point. Read Chapter 14 for a full overview of what to do in the week after a Training Weekend.
I'm a vegetarian, can I still do a Training Weekend?
Of course you can. To meet your protein requirements stick to fish, seafood, eggs, amino drinks and protein shakes.
I'm a vegan, can I still do a training weekend?
Of course you can. To meet your protein requirements stick to amino drinks and vegan protein shakes. Add in other vegan protein sources that you digest well to optimize recovery.
As a female, can I still do a Training Weekend?
Yes of course. A training weekend can be completed by male and female. The main difference is the nutrition. All nutrition recommendations are stated for male and female. Consult Chapters 10, 11 and 12 for the specific recommendations and the differences between male and female.
The program on the Upper Body Training Weekend contains chinups and pullups. I cannot do one repetition of each yet. Can I still do a training weekend?
Yes, you can. Just substitute the chinups or pullups with a lat pulldown with the same grip. Do the same sets, tempo and rest. Just add 2 repetitions to the given repetition range. That means if the program says 2-4 repetitions for the chinups or pullups do 4-6 repetitions on the lat pulldown.
Can I extend a Training Weekend for another day or two?
No, the programs are designed to be done on two days in a row only. I don't recommend to extend training past two days on a schedule like this. If you like to use a high-frequency system for more days opt for the Strength and Mass Holiday, Arm Holiday or Squat Holiday.
All the Best with the Training Weekends!
To get a copy of the "Training Weekends" Ebook click here
Picture: The cover of the book.