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YPSI Module 2 - Theory part (12 months access)

YPSI Module 2 - Theory part (12 months access)

Regular price €469.00 EUR
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This is only the theory part. For booking theory & practice and the complete YPSI Trainer B license at a package price , more information here

YPSI Module 2 - Functional Anatomy & Exercise Execution

- The theory part -

Performing individual exercises and selecting them based on recruitment patterns is one of the most critical aspects of strength training. Both are crucial in order to achieve continuous and injury-free progress in training.

For faster body fat reduction, as well as the development of hypertrophy, functional hypertrophy, maximum strength and explosive strength.

This module deals in detail with the aspects of the functional anatomy of individual exercises and their optimal execution.

The content of these online lectures

– The functional anatomy of the upper limb & lower limb

- Detailed explanation of the functional anatomy of all basic movements such as pull-ups, bench press, squats and deadlifts

– Influence of elbow position and hand position on upper extremity muscle recruitment

– Influence of toe position and foot position on lower extremity muscle recruitment

- The individual variants of the primary exercises and their differences - squats, deadlifts, pull-ups, bench press, overhead press, curls, and much more.

– Training to improve posture – What exercises for sagging shoulders, stiff neck and back problems (incl. explanation and videos of the shoulder stabilizer isolation exercise hierarchy)

Scope of services: Access to over 5 hours of online lectures for 12 months from booking.

Delivery: All lectures are already online and access will be sent within 48 hours after receipt of payment.

incl. statutory VAT

24h verfügbar

Alle unsere Online Vorlesungen können 24h am Tag an 7 Tagen pro Woche angeschaut werden.

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Für Deinen Erfolg

Alle unsere YPSI Seminare wurde von Wolfgang Unsöld konzipiert.

Mit einem Ziel im Auge:

Deinem Erfolg im Training und als Trainer!

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