YPSI Online Module B - Individualized Nutrition (12 months access)
YPSI Online Module B - Individualized Nutrition (12 months access)
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There is no such thing as a perfect diet.
Reality proves this over and over again.
Just because a person has found a nutritional approach or diet that works for them - like keto, low carb, high carb, intermittent fasting, a certain macro ratio, certain food choices, or even just a simple calorie deficit - doesn't mean it is that it also works for another person.
There is no one diet that works for everyone.
Therefore, the diet must be individualized.
You have to find out what works for you or your client and for the current goal.
And you should find that out without endless trial and error and without the frustration that that quickly brings.
You need practical methods and tests that are easy to use in practice. They enable you to individualize your diet as efficiently as possible.
That means customizing as reliably, time- and cost-effectively as possible.
For more than 10 years I have researched, applied and developed various options and tests in order to be able to individualize nutrition even better for each individual. To make dietary changes easier, faster and more reliable.
Early in my career as a personal trainer and strength coach, working with clients, I realized that different people react completely differently to different approaches to nutrition.
Gradually, as more data was collected, it became clear under what circumstances and for what goals a particular approach is most effective and successful.
For example, with continuous glucose monitoring (CGM), I've seen some clients who had no spikes in blood sugar after consuming oatmeal and some clients who had moderate to severe spikes in blood sugar after consuming oatmeal. Which makes sense based on the carb content of oatmeal and individual carb tolerance.
Surprisingly, I've also seen some customers with severe blood sugar reactions to tomatoes. Which makes very little sense on paper since tomatoes are very low in carbohydrates. However, the tests have repeatedly shown that a small number of people experienced a sharp rise in blood sugar levels on tomatoes. This means that despite the fact that tomatoes are a low-carb, low-calorie food and therefore generally an all-you-can-eat food, blood sugar tests have shown that a few people have experienced a spike in blood sugar after eating tomatoes. For them, this makes tomatoes a food that they should generally avoid.
This is clearly a static anomaly. However, it proves an important point. It proves why we need to individualize nutrition for an individual.
This is an example of why some people get results from certain diets. And others don't.
And why we need individualized nutrition.
Individualized nutrition is the basis of any type of nutrition coaching.
For this reason, this YPSI online module focuses on Individualized Nutrition.
There is a wealth of resources teaching what proteins, fats and carbohydrates are. And how to calculate calories.
This module goes well beyond the basics of nutrition.
It focuses on individualized nutrition in the most practical, efficient and result-oriented approach.
This module is for you if you:
- Want to understand the value of continuous glucose monitoring (CGM).
- Want to learn how to use continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) to individualize carbohydrate amounts, types, and timing for an individual
- Want to learn how to individualize nutrition based on skinfold measurement
- Want to learn how to individualize the use of calorie balance for more reliable success
- Want to learn how to individualize nutrition based on laboratory tests
- Want to learn how to individualize nutrition based on acid-base testing (an actual scientific approach, not the "you're too acidic" nonsense)
- Want to learn how to individualize alternative and advanced nutrition protocols
- Want to learn how to individualize intermittent fasting
- From anywhere in the world and at any time of the day in front of your computer, tablet or smartphone you want to take your knowledge to the next level
In the last 8 years I have held over 300 seminars for thousands of participants in over 26 countries around the world. Here you can find some of the group pictures from these seminars .
And for the first time, I'm going to make some of that information available online.
We live in a knowledge-based world where your knowledge and expertise are fundamental to your success.
And learning is the basis of knowledge and competence.
When it comes to learning about individualized nutrition, one of my favorite quotes is:
Both can be taught and learned.
As a personal trainer and coach you have to be able to use both.
Understand the science of nutrition.
And then successfully apply that science in practice - that's what dietetics is.
Nutritionists are not the ones who get the best results.
Trainers and coaches who are best able to put nutritional science into practice, individualizing nutrition for a specific person and goal, are the ones who get the best results.
And you can learn that.
Are you ready to learn?
Then take advantage of every valuable option available today.
Learning online is an important key to success here.
It's faster, easier, more efficient and definitely more flexible.
That's why I created the YPSI Online Education Platform and the YPSI Personal Trainer Mentorship Program.
I will guide you step by step through the individual lectures on individualizing nutrition.
With the one goal of taking your knowledge of individualized nutrition to the next level.
You can watch the lectures as often as you like, anytime, at your own pace, from anywhere in the world.
Take your knowledge and expertise about individualized nutrition to the next level today and register here...
Click here for the product page on the YPSI Online Education Platform
After successful booking and payment, access will be sent via email within 2 working days. If you would like access even faster, send us an email to office@ypsi.de
12 months after the first access to the lectures, this expires automatically.
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