Oxidativer Stress, Antioxidanzien und Training
Das menschliche Immunsystem hat einen schwierigen Job. Sein Hauptaugenmerk liegt darauf, den Organismus vor fremden Eindringlingen (Pathogenen) zu schützen und damit gesund zu halten. Es vollzieht dabei immer eine Gratwanderung...
Oxidativer Stress, Antioxidanzien und Training
Das menschliche Immunsystem hat einen schwierigen Job. Sein Hauptaugenmerk liegt darauf, den Organismus vor fremden Eindringlingen (Pathogenen) zu schützen und damit gesund zu halten. Es vollzieht dabei immer eine Gratwanderung...
Before'n'After #102 - Stephan
Stephan ist Student und Studioleiter und kam vor 11 Monaten ins YPSI - mit viel Ambition und Wissensdurst.Die vergangenen 11 Monate hat er erfolgreich genutzt und seinen Körperfettanteil um 14,8%...
Before'n'After #102 - Stephan
Stephan ist Student und Studioleiter und kam vor 11 Monaten ins YPSI - mit viel Ambition und Wissensdurst.Die vergangenen 11 Monate hat er erfolgreich genutzt und seinen Körperfettanteil um 14,8%...
The oxidation of fish oil / omega 3 (Ω3) and th...
New Year - New Resolutions! According to current surveys, the resolution most frequently mentioned for the year 2023, at 49 percent, is “ to eat healthier ”. In the context...
The oxidation of fish oil / omega 3 (Ω3) and th...
New Year - New Resolutions! According to current surveys, the resolution most frequently mentioned for the year 2023, at 49 percent, is “ to eat healthier ”. In the context...
HEPA air filter, fine dust and cognitive perfor...
Our high-tech time demands a certain mental workload from every single person every day and intellectual work paired with a corresponding individual level of intensity is becoming more and more...
HEPA air filter, fine dust and cognitive perfor...
Our high-tech time demands a certain mental workload from every single person every day and intellectual work paired with a corresponding individual level of intensity is becoming more and more...
Is iodine from chlorella harmful to the thyroid?
As with numerous other nutrients, there are numerous myths and pseudo-scientific statements about the essential micro-mineral iodine, which unfortunately often contribute to cognitive distortions and misunderstandings in public perception. Especially...
Is iodine from chlorella harmful to the thyroid?
As with numerous other nutrients, there are numerous myths and pseudo-scientific statements about the essential micro-mineral iodine, which unfortunately often contribute to cognitive distortions and misunderstandings in public perception. Especially...
Why motivation doesn't work
Motivation as the key to success is grossly overrated. Motivation never works consistently. And that is mainly due to a lack of understanding of motivation. The basic idea is: I...
Why motivation doesn't work
Motivation as the key to success is grossly overrated. Motivation never works consistently. And that is mainly due to a lack of understanding of motivation. The basic idea is: I...