
Warum klassisches Cardio zum Fettabbau Zeitverschwendung ist

Why classic cardio for fat loss is a waste of time

Classic cardio, or "going for a run", is often recommended for fat loss. This article addresses why this recommendation does not really bring success. And why interval training brings more...

Why classic cardio for fat loss is a waste of time

Classic cardio, or "going for a run", is often recommended for fat loss. This article addresses why this recommendation does not really bring success. And why interval training brings more...

Warum ein optimales Stretching Programm immer individualisiert sein muss…

Why an optimal stretching program must always b...

Mobility has become a trendy term over the last few years. There are many ways to improve mobility, and many of these so-called mobility drills and stretches work. I recommend...

Why an optimal stretching program must always b...

Mobility has become a trendy term over the last few years. There are many ways to improve mobility, and many of these so-called mobility drills and stretches work. I recommend...

Integriere das Assault Air Bike in Dein Training für schnelleren Körperfettabbau

Integrate the Assault Air Bike into your traini...

The Assault Air Bike is the only direct cardio training tool we use at YPSI. It's a kind of mix of a fan like on a rowing ergometer, handles like...

Integrate the Assault Air Bike into your traini...

The Assault Air Bike is the only direct cardio training tool we use at YPSI. It's a kind of mix of a fan like on a rowing ergometer, handles like...

Gewichtheben – Die Geschichte

Weightlifting - The Story

It is nearly impossible to determine when the world's first weightlifting competition took place. Drawings or writings about strength competitions in which the athletes lifted heavy weights can be found...

Weightlifting - The Story

It is nearly impossible to determine when the world's first weightlifting competition took place. Drawings or writings about strength competitions in which the athletes lifted heavy weights can be found...

Was den Piriformis besonders macht

What makes the piriformis special

The piriformis muscle, in English "pear-shaped muscle", is located in the lower layer of the hip muscles. It runs between the inside of the pelvis and the thigh bone. The...

What makes the piriformis special

The piriformis muscle, in English "pear-shaped muscle", is located in the lower layer of the hip muscles. It runs between the inside of the pelvis and the thigh bone. The...

Kniebeugen & Frontkniebeugen – Der Vergleich

Squats & front squats - the comparison

The squat and its variant, the front squat, are two of the most important exercises in strength training. But is one variant better than the other? 3 benefits of the...

Squats & front squats - the comparison

The squat and its variant, the front squat, are two of the most important exercises in strength training. But is one variant better than the other? 3 benefits of the...